If you love astronomy and follows more about astronauts then you'll realize that immediately they land on the earth's surface, they are usually carried. The simple reason is due to zero gravity in space which has a lot of impacts on the astronauts. First landing back to the surface is a little bit difficult as many astronauts have experienced due to the abrupt change in gravity. While in space, zero gravity messes with the sense of orientation hence one cannot differentiate between up and down. Due to this, their brain cannot differentiate whether they are facing up or down. Also, the sensors inside the aers that are associated with balance are disabled. This is the reason why when they enter the earth's surface they lose balance hence cannot walk on their own. This makes us realize the importance of gravity in our planet and the great effects it would have on humans if we could loose it. Because of the aero gravity, astronauts can take weeks or months before adjusting to...
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